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Exporting results

Maester supports exporting test results to CSV and Excel files. This is useful for sharing test results with others or for further analysis in a spreadsheet program.

Exporting results to CSV

To export test results to a CSV file, use the Convert-MtResultsToFlatObject command with the -CsvFilePath parameter. The following example exports test results to a CSV file:

$results = Invoke-Maester -PassThru
Convert-MtResultsToFlatObject -Results $results -CsvFilePath "C:\path\to\results.csv"

Exporting results to Excel

To export test results to an Excel file, use the Convert-MtResultsToFlatObject command with the -ExcelFilePath parameter.


The Convert-MtResultsToFlatObject command requires the ImportExcel module. You can install the module by running Install-Module ImportExcel.

The following example exports test results to an Excel file:

$results = Invoke-Maester -PassThru
Convert-MtResultsToFlatObject -Results $results -ExcelFilePath "C:\path\to\results.xlsx"

Flattening results

To export just the test results without the test suite hierarchy, use the -PassThru parameter with the Convert-MtResultsToFlatObject command. The following example exports flattened test results.

$results = Invoke-Maester -PassThru
Convert-MtResultsToFlatObject -Results $results -PassThru