Advanced guide
In this guide we will cover advanced concepts for writing custom tests with Maester.
Maester provides a function called Invoke-MtGraphRequest
that allows you to make direct calls to the Microsoft Graph API. This is an enhanced version of the Invoke-MgGraphRequest
function that has been optimized for Maester's use case to query Microsoft Graph data.
Here's an example of how you can use Invoke-MtGraphRequest
to get all the users in your tenant.
$users = Invoke-MtGraphRequest -RelativeUri "users"
Caching: Invoke-MtGraphRequest's secret sauce
has built-in caching to reduce the number of calls to the Microsoft Graph API when running Maester tests.
This way you can write tests that call into any Graph API and if that data has already been fetched in the Maester run, the cached data will be used instead of querying Microsoft Graph. This is one of the reasons we can run multiple tests in a very performant way.
The cache is reset when you run Invoke-Maester to ensure you always have the latest data.
If your tests use Graph cmdlets like Get-MgUser
, they will not benefit from this caching mechanism and will make a call to the Graph API every time they are run.
Other key features of Invoke-MtGraphRequest
In addition to caching, Invoke-MtGraphRequest
has other key features that make it very easy to write tests that query data.
- Automatically handles pagination and get's all of the users by default (you don't need to specific -All)
- Includes ConsistencyLevel by default to all the calls. This works for Maester's read-only use case and allows you to use any of the advanced query filter options without worrying about the consistency flag.
- Provides automatic support for batching by passing in an array of Object IDs to the
parameter. - Named parameters for
to make it easier to write complex queries.
Here are a few examples.
Get selected list of users users with specific properties
Use the UniqueId
parameter to get specific users by their Object ID and select only the properties you need.
The $usersIds array can have one or hundreds of object IDs. Invoke-MtGraphRequest will optimize the calls by batching and paging through the results.
$userIds = @($globalAdministrators.Id)
Write-Verbose "Requesting users onPremisesSyncEnabled property"
$users = Invoke-MtGraphRequest -RelativeUri "users" -UniqueId $userIds -Select id, displayName, onPremisesSyncEnabled
Specify api version, filters, query parameters with expand
This example shows how you can splat the code to make it easier to read when you have a complex query.
$policySplat = @{
ApiVersion = "beta"
RelativeUri = "policies/roleManagementPolicyAssignments"
Filter = "scopeId eq '/' and scopeType eq 'DirectoryRole' and roleDefinitionId eq '$($'"
QueryParameters = @{
expand = "policy(expand=rules)"
$policy = Invoke-MtGraphRequest @policySplat
To learn more see Invoke-MtGraphRequest.
Splitting tests into multiple files
As you write more tests you might find it helpful to split out the markdown part of the tests into a separate file. This helps reduce clutter in the test code and also allows content writers to independently edit the markdown files. Almost all the out of the box Maester tests use this approach of splitting out the markdown content for the test.
Here's an example of how you can split out the markdown content into a separate file.
This custom test checks if there are any users without a manager assigned.
Step 1: Create the tests file in the Custom
Create a new file in the Custom
folder with the .Tests.ps1
BeforeAll {
. $PSScriptRoot/Test-ContosoUsersMissingManagers.ps1
Describe "Contoso" -Tag "Entra", "CustomTests", "Users" {
It "CTS.1001: Manager Attribute - All users should have a manager attribute set" {
$result = Test-ContosoUsersMissingManagers
$result | Should -Be $true -Because "All users should have a manager assigned."
Step 2: Create test functions file
Create the test file in the Custom
folder that was referred to in the BeforeAll
block in the previous step.
function Test-ContosoUsersMissingManagers {
$result = $true
try {
# Retrieve all users from Microsoft Graph
$users = Invoke-MtGraphRequest -RelativeUri "users" -Filter "userType eq 'Member'"
# Initialize an array to track users without a manager
$usersWithoutManager = @()
# Loop through each user and ensure they have a manager assigned
foreach ($user in $users) {
if($user.jobTitle -eq "CEO" -or $user.displayName -eq "On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account" ) {
# Fetch the manager for the current user
$manager = Get-MgUserManager -UserId $user.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($manager)) {
$result = $false
$usersWithoutManager += $user
if ($result) {
$TestResults = "Well done! There were no users with out managers assigned."
} else {
$TestResults += "No managers are assigned for the following users.`n%TestResult%"
Add-MtTestResultDetail -Result $TestResults -GraphObjects $usersWithoutManager -GraphObjectType Users
} catch {
$result = $false
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
return $result
To use the markdown content from the file, do not include the -Description
parameter when calling Add-MtTestResultDetail
Step 3: Create the markdown file
Create a markdown file in the Custom
folder with the same name as the test file but with the .md
This test checks if there are any users without a manager assigned.
Contoso's company policy requires that all users have a manager assigned to them. This is important for accountability and delegation of responsibilities.
**To remediate this issue:**
- Identify the users without a manager.
- Raise a ticket in Service Now using [Form: Manager Missing - HR Ticket]( to request the manager assignment for the users identified in this test.
- 🔺 If this is not actioned in three days, escalate to the HR manager.
**Learn more:**
- [Manager Missing - HR Ticket](
- [HR Escalation Process](
<!--- Results --->
Step 4: Run the test
Running the test should now show the markdown content in the test results.