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Set up Maester Teams Alerts

Your Maester monitoring workflow can be configured to send an adaptive card in a team channel with the summary of the Maester test results at the end of each monitoring cycle in Slack. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up Teams alerts in Maester.

Maester - Microsoft Teams Alerts

There are two ways you can send alerts to Teams:

  • Teams webhook workflow: Uses a Teams webhook triggered from Maester.
    • This method is simpler to set up, does not require any additional Graph permissions and users a PowerAutomate workflow. However the workflow is tied to the account that set up the workflow which may need to be updated if the account is disabled.
  • Graph API: Uses a Graph API call to send the message to a Teams channel.
    • This method takes a few extra steps and requires consenting to the Teamwork.Migrate.All graph permissions. There are no dependencies on PowerAutomate workflows with this option.

Create a Teams webhook

  • To get the Webhook Uri, right-click on the channel in Teams and select Workflow.
  • Create a workflow using the Post to a channel when a webhook request is received template.
  • Copy the Webhook Uri provided. You will need this Uri for the next step.

Invoke-Maester with the webhook

Update your GitHub/Azure DevOps daily monitoring workflow to send the alert using the TeamChannelWebhookUri parameter with the url from the previous step.

Invoke-Maester -TeamChannelWebhookUri ''

Alternatively, you can use the Send-MtTeamsMessage cmdlet to send the message to a specific Teams channel.

# Get the results of the Maester tests using -PassThru
$results = Invoke-Maester -Path tests/Maester/ {...} -PassThru

# Send the summary using the results
Send-MtTeamsMessage -MaesterResults $MaesterResults TeamChannelWebhookUri '' -Subject 'Maester Results' -TestResultsUri ""


The TeamChannelWebhookUri should be kept secure and not shared publicly to avoid unauthorized users posting messages to your channel. If using GitHub Actions, it is recommended to store the webhook uri as a secret.

The cmdlet has a -TestResultsUri parameter that can be used to include a link to the detailed Maester results in the alert.

To use this parameter, you need to provide the URL of the Maester results page. Use the appropriate url format based on the CI/CD system you are using.


Link: ${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}

$testResultsUri = "${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}"

Send-MtTeamsMessage -MaesterResults $results -TestResultsUri $testResultsUri ...

Azure DevOps

Link: $(System.CollectionUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_build/results?buildId=$(Build.BuildId)

$testResultsUri = "$(System.CollectionUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_build/results?buildId=$(Build.BuildId)"

Send-MtTeamsMessage -MaesterResults $results -TestResultsUri $testResultsUri ...